Solved! zte z799vl

May 24, 2019
How to fix touch screen when it doesnt work on the right side of screen nor do the navigation keys work. Which is home, recent apps and back button. Ive reset phone uninstall app still will not work.. plz help...
It sounds like you then have a physical problem and likely will need the screen replaced. Not something I would suggest trying to do on your own.

if the phone is under warranty, then contact the manufacturer about a repair or replacement. If it isn't under warranty then I would try a local tech.

Unless, of course, it cost more than say 1/2 of getting a new phone to repair it. Then you would better off purchasing a new phone.
It sounds like you then have a physical problem and likely will need the screen replaced. Not something I would suggest trying to do on your own.

if the phone is under warranty, then contact the manufacturer about a repair or replacement. If it isn't under warranty then I would try a local tech.

Unless, of course, it cost more than say 1/2 of getting a new phone to repair it. Then you would better off purchasing a new phone.