Like many email services, Google+ has a Trash folder. The Trash folder in Google+ is used to store deleted photos from users’ Google+ profiles.
For example, if you delete a photo from your Google+ account, the image is moved to the Trash folder instead of getting deleted permanently (which requires manual intervention). Later, if you feel that you removed the image in error, you can go to the Trash folder of your Google+ profile, and restore the image back to its original location from there.
Here is how you can restore a deleted image from your Google+ account:
For example, if you delete a photo from your Google+ account, the image is moved to the Trash folder instead of getting deleted permanently (which requires manual intervention). Later, if you feel that you removed the image in error, you can go to the Trash folder of your Google+ profile, and restore the image back to its original location from there.
Here is how you can restore a deleted image from your Google+ account:
- ■Using any web browser sign-in to your Google+ account.
■On the Home page that opens up, hover mouse to the Home menu from the menu bar located at the top-left corner.
■From the displayed list, click the Photos option.

■On the Photos page, click More from the top.
■From the available list, click the Trash option.

■On the next interface, locate and hover mouse over the desired pictureyou want to restore.
■Click the checkbox from the top-left corner to select the target picture.

Note: To restore multiple pictures in a single go, you must perform the steps 6 and 7 on each picture individually.
■Once selected, click the Restore button from the top to restore the picture.