Solved! 1GB ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD5470 Graphics Card ? Good Card?


Apr 5, 2010
I was wonder about the: 1GB ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD5470 Graphics Card

I am looking for a lap top that could run engineering programs as SolidWorks, Matlab, etc. Also some games like star craft II.
I have like 800 dollars to spend and I just found this web page with computers with intel core i7 to $800, but not sure about their graphic card.

Please let me know what do you think about this graphics card and the computers in general.

hmmmm.... for games in low details 5470 is good. but if i were u i would buy a vaio e series...its slick and has an AWESOME 5650 hd.gr8 for gaming but i think u sacrifice processor here as u get an i3. but i3 is a very good processor indeed.

as for solid edge and matlab any card can run those
Hi caraduta,

HD5470 is a weak graphic card in general, you can still play games like modern warfare on low to mid quality but don't expect anything more from it. As previous poster had recommended, HD5650 is a much better card compared to 5470 and you should be able to play assassin creed 2 on it without any problem.

Holl0w :)

To Ali: Hi there, HD5470 should be able to run modern warfare 2 without any problem on low to medium settings (I am using 5450 and modern warfare 2 isn't a problem for me.

Holl0w :)