3 tv setup in man cave


Feb 3, 2015
I’m setting up a TV wall in my bonus room and looking for some advice on the best approach. I’m going with 3 TVs, a 70” in the middle, and a 50” on each side. I’m not going to go 4k.
What I need to connect
3 Direct TV boxes
Apple TV
I would like to be able to switch any of these between the 3 TVs so I would need a type of matrix switch that can handle at least 5 inputs and send out 3.
I also am prewired for surround sound so I would like whatever input is on the middle tv to be on the surround. How would I do that with a receiver and a hdmi matrix?
Also curious about a universal remote or possible ipad app that would control this?

This will be used mainly for sports viewing multiple games at once.
I might have lofty expectations but seeing what everybody thought. Thanks!
Ok, here's a couple of setups that would do the trick.
We were assuming watching multiple sporting events would warrant DVR - "OMG I missed that play, hit rewind right quick"
But you can simply substitute non-DVRs if you'd like.

Option A.
This was our "no holds barred because we don't really know the exact specs anyway" setup.
The TVs and other devices you stated along with...
1x DirecTV Genie HR44
2x DirecTV HD DVR HR24
All connected to a Gefen 8x8 Crosspoint Matrix for HDMI

The setup with the DirecTV boxes gives a very nice, multiple playlist effect(and the DVRs "team up" and share the playlists).
Also DirecTV has some really nice perks when you have a DVR - you can hit up directv.com to see all that. I asked about a PC due to the...
Ok, I read your question not long after you posted it. After conferring with my best friend - a seasoned DirecTV installer - we have a bit of a setup we can run by you. However, I do have some questions of my own.

Do you have a Windows PC available or had you considered using one in your setup?
Also, were you planning on DVR functionality? What make/model are the TVs?

Thanks man. I do have a windows PC that I built about 3 years ago I can use if that will help. DVR isn't necessary since my HOA includes uverse DVR so I will just use that when needed.
TVs (not set in stone but here are 2 I'm leaning toward)
70" Vizio M702i-B3
(2) 50" VIzio E500i-B1
Ok, here's a couple of setups that would do the trick.
We were assuming watching multiple sporting events would warrant DVR - "OMG I missed that play, hit rewind right quick"
But you can simply substitute non-DVRs if you'd like.

Option A.
This was our "no holds barred because we don't really know the exact specs anyway" setup.
The TVs and other devices you stated along with...
1x DirecTV Genie HR44
2x DirecTV HD DVR HR24
All connected to a Gefen 8x8 Crosspoint Matrix for HDMI

The setup with the DirecTV boxes gives a very nice, multiple playlist effect(and the DVRs "team up" and share the playlists).
Also DirecTV has some really nice perks when you have a DVR - you can hit up directv.com to see all that. I asked about a PC due to the fact most matrix switchers have some sort of control method utilizing a windows based PC. The Gefen model is capable of being controlled via IP ~ meaning you can "log in" to a web based control center and manage the settings using essentially any device with a web browser. The model I mention supports some nice technologies you may want to look into at some point - plus the 8x8 configuration leaves some head room for additional devices you might want to add (new gaming console, Blu Ray player, a PC, ect). Also leaves room if you decide to get the rest of the TVs in your home in on the matrix switcher action. Also Gefen matrix switchers are known to be highly compatible with DirecTV equipment.
Since you stated you'd prefer the center screen use the Surround Sound it would be as simple as connecting the receiver to the audio outputs on the center TV. (However, it is still possible to use it as part of your matrices devices if you so choose)

A second, cheaper alternative would be more along the lines of using the same DirecTV Genie - but using the Genie Minis and a cheaper Atlona Technologies AT-PRO3HD66M 6x6 (or 4x4 - see below) HDMI Matrix Switch. Downside to this would've been lower tuner availability, less features on the Atlona Matrix Switch, and (depending on how you configured the DirecTV side of things) not being able to utilize the matrix switcher on the 50" screens (but would drop the switch requirement to 4x4).
Another downside is this particular matrix switcher gets you on the back end - it's outputs are HDBaseT and need receivers to change it back to HDMI at the TVs.

Either option you choose there are plenty of things to consider. There are controller peripherals you can choose from, various cabling technologies to consider, and various other factors that will be unique to your install.
If you'd like more information about any of this, feel free to send me a message or google to your hearts content. I've actually enjoyed writing this wall of text lol.

I must insist on some pics of your completed install. :)
Great really appreciate it. Looks like the 8x8 matrix is a bit out of my price range so I'm probably going to use a 4x4 and figure it out. I will post pictures when I"m done. Hopefully have it in by march madness!