3D TV recommendation please


Oct 13, 2011
It is time to exchange my old TV to a brand new HDTV but I have no idea which one to chose from. I keep hearing that it is dumb to be not buying a 3D TV these days since most of TVs are 3D ready and they offer better picture quality and features. What do you think? Can you recommend me a good 3D TV please?
What is your budget? I'm also in the market for a new Television if you are looking in the same price range then we can benefit from eachothers findings :)
If I were you, I would chose from either the Pansonic GT30 or the LG LW5600. I can't just recommend you one because there are two totally different 3D TV sets in the market.

Panasonic TVs if you like plasma and active 3D and LG for LCD/LED and passive. No I wouldn't recommend Samsung or Sony because they are over priced. Not Vizio either because they are just a piece of crap.

I heard the panasonic one has the best picture quality but has the worst 3D glasses. LG has overall good picture quality and uses certified flicker free glasses which are very cheap and easy to be maintained and replaced. It is an all-around good TV. Basically, if you live by yourself and wouldn't mind anything but picture quality, go for panasonic. If you live with your family or friends and want an affordable and overall good TV, go for LG. Good luck!

That is a good idea wildpluckings. Lets do that.
I am thinking of around 2K for my budget. How about you? And.. do you intend to buy a 3D TV also? I am pretty sure that I will get a 3D TV. If then I think we can share info and help each other choose a good one. Let me know for sure :)

Thanks for your input.
I am looking for a TV for myself and my family. I have family of 4 with 2 little kids. Of course I do care about picture quality and I am going to be the main person who watches the TV but I also need other features. I was actually worried about the glasses since my boys are wild and they are good at breaking things. I want to see how good the picture quality is on a LG TV and compare it with a Panasonic TV. I guess I will go to bestbuy and check. I will inform you how it went. Again, thanks.

I am looking to spend £1-2K on my television. I'm just looking for some responses from other 3D TV users at the moment to get some more perspective on things. I don't know about all of your requirements but yes, I am also looking at quality 3D, good built in sound, and excellent response times (for competitive gaming!)

I found the Samsung UE46D8000 sits nicely within my budget and meets the majority of my requirements, but I am concerned about the 30ms+ response times (for gaming). I see bfore has advised against samsung but I would disagree personally. I have bought many samsung displays in the past and the one thing you can be sure of is good quality/performance for what you pay. I decided to go cheap with my previous tv, a toshiba 42" LED edge lit display and it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of performance. It does a few things very nicely, but compromises bigtime on sound, grey tones, viewing angles, bezel quality. All the things you'd get with a brand like Samsung or Sony.

I meant 2K in USD, so that means I have a lower budget than you. I am looking for a more affordable one than yours. I also looked for a TV with good 2D and 3D pictures with a 47"+ screen size, but my main purpose will be movies other than gaming. I had friends who owned a Samsung TV. I thought they were good but what my friends say were all different. Some said they are reliable and performs well but some said the opposite.

However, I did my research during the weekend and because my kids will also going to watch TV occassionally, I decided not to get any active sets. I read articles about them and learned active sets flicker and are not good for the eyes, especially on kids eyes. Plus, I don't want to see my boys break them and end up getting several more pairs that would cost +$100/pair. So no, I wouldn't get panasonic either.

As I said, I went to bestbuy, spent the time to check on TVs, including the LG 55lw5600. It seemed nice and a good TV overall as "bfore" said. Picture quality was good in both 2D and 3D modes and the glasses looked comfy too. It had a smart tv feature and a cool-looking remote that was fun to play with. Plus it was a pretty good deal so I might get this TV, but I will probably look around little more to make sure if there are any better one than this.