M mrdmatt123 Honorable Jun 27, 2013 6 0 10,510 Aug 17, 2013 #1 i am planning on getting sennheiser hd 598's with the asus xonar essence stx soundcard. does anyone have any other suggestions or can anyone vogue for this setup?
i am planning on getting sennheiser hd 598's with the asus xonar essence stx soundcard. does anyone have any other suggestions or can anyone vogue for this setup?
Solution spawnkiller Aug 17, 2013 it's actually one really high end setup, you wouldn't have something better, only equivalent so if it's the setup that you like buy it !! Make sure the grab the HD598 in rebate as i seen them at 380$ on NCIX and on amazon they're 240$: http/www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Headphones-Burl-Wood-Accents/dp/B0042A8CW2
it's actually one really high end setup, you wouldn't have something better, only equivalent so if it's the setup that you like buy it !! Make sure the grab the HD598 in rebate as i seen them at 380$ on NCIX and on amazon they're 240$: http/www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Headphones-Burl-Wood-Accents/dp/B0042A8CW2
spawnkiller Honorable Jan 23, 2013 29 0 10,610 Aug 17, 2013 Solution #2 it's actually one really high end setup, you wouldn't have something better, only equivalent so if it's the setup that you like buy it !! Make sure the grab the HD598 in rebate as i seen them at 380$ on NCIX and on amazon they're 240$: http/www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Headphones-Burl-Wood-Accents/dp/B0042A8CW2 Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
it's actually one really high end setup, you wouldn't have something better, only equivalent so if it's the setup that you like buy it !! Make sure the grab the HD598 in rebate as i seen them at 380$ on NCIX and on amazon they're 240$: http/www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-Headphones-Burl-Wood-Accents/dp/B0042A8CW2