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More info?)
You can find a step-by-step tutorial here:
Just be sure you read the post by j.m., because not all of the steps
outlined are necessary if you live in the US, and you get your
listings from the Replay server. It worked perfectly for me when I did
it about a week ago!
noone <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Specifically where can I locate instructions for
> the wirns 2 line mod?
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 12:06:14 -0400, Remove
> _NOSPAM_ <> wrote:
> >
> >>>The software is exactly the same. The only difference is a couple of
> >>>registry changes. It is not necessary to load a 5k image, just use Wirns
> >>>to make the changes.
> >
> >Yes, my first replaytv 5504 was upgraded to larger drive with 5040
> >drive image on it, which allows for internet transfers and automatic
> >commercial skip function.
> >
> >Now, I have just used wirns to upgrade my second 5504 to allow for
> >5040 functions. The wirns 2 line mod allows this change without
> >opening up the replaytv's case and messing with the harddrive image.
> >
> >I did have a problem using the instructions for wirns 2 line mod.
> >The 2 line mod only showed up after reconnecting to the mothership for
> >updates such as TVGuide scheduling. After the forced connection the
> >menu system added the 5040 functions. Don't ask me why, but that was
> >my experience. Other have stated it would show up immediately after
> >using Wirns and the command shell 2-liner.