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On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 00:49:49 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:
>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 11:15:57 GMT, John in Detroit
>> <> wrote:
>>>Elmo P. Shagnasty wrote:
>>>>In article <lykBd.8394$>,
>>>> John in Detroit <> wrote:
>>>>>Kind of neat, it's black and white (And sync) with a color overlay
>>>>Which is exactly what NTSC color is. That's because color transmissions
>>>>had to be compatible with existing black and white sets.
>>>>Never Twice the Same Color. NTSC.
>>>I know full well what NTSC stands for. However standard composite video
>>>has chroma, luma and Sync all on ONE wire, S-video separates out the
>>>Chroma portion
>> The same error people often make. The extra quality would have been
>> lost when the signals were mixed in the first place. Seperating them
>> would do no good. Where seperate signals are an advantage is where
>> there were ALWAYS seperate.
>You are making an assumption that the signals were combined and then
>split, I am making no such assumption
>In the devices I used to test the video was NOT combined and then split
>it was seperated "from birth" as it were.
>There is also another issue. Every processing stage where it's seperated
>is better than combined So even if you split it, and recombine it, If it
>goes through processing while split it will be better
There is a problem with that word, "seperated". It sounds like
something has been done to it (and it can't be seperated if it isn't
combined first). How about avoiding the ambiguity and calling it
"seperate"? That's the right word anyway.
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

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