I need a $600 gaming laptop. I play all sorts of games, but my main game is Minecraft. I also have a YouTube channel, so I would like the laptop to play and record minecraft at 60fps. I also want it to be able to handle a couple mods. If possible, I would want it to also handle shaders, though it isn't priority. To sum it up, I want the laptop to:
- play/record w/mods at 60fps
- be $600
I've also found these laptops, and I was wondering if they were good for what I want:
1. http/m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16834314535
2. http/www.amazon.com/Pavilion-17-3-Laptop-Computer-Quad-Core/dp/B00F7TQ3Z0/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1388077926&sr=1-2&keywords=amd a8 laptop
3. http/www.amazon.com/HP-Pavilion-dv6-6180us-Entertainment-Notebook/dp/B005LLYIWO?SubscriptionId=19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2&tag=squid1176360-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B005LLYIWO
4. http/www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-i15RV-10000BLK-15-6-Inch-Processor/dp/B00AM7MM84/ref=cm_rdp_product
It would be best if you would refer to them as their number. Thank You. Reply ASAP.
- play/record w/mods at 60fps
- be $600
I've also found these laptops, and I was wondering if they were good for what I want:
1. http/m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemnumber=N82E16834314535
2. http/www.amazon.com/Pavilion-17-3-Laptop-Computer-Quad-Core/dp/B00F7TQ3Z0/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1388077926&sr=1-2&keywords=amd a8 laptop
3. http/www.amazon.com/HP-Pavilion-dv6-6180us-Entertainment-Notebook/dp/B005LLYIWO?SubscriptionId=19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2&tag=squid1176360-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B005LLYIWO
4. http/www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-i15RV-10000BLK-15-6-Inch-Processor/dp/B00AM7MM84/ref=cm_rdp_product
It would be best if you would refer to them as their number. Thank You. Reply ASAP.