600 watt power supply enough to power a R9 280?

Technology HD

Feb 4, 2015
Hello! So I have a LC Power LC6600 v2.2 600w– Super Silent Serie PSU, and I currently have a AMD FX 4300 CPU, and the R7 260 MSI OC 1gb, but I wan't to upgrade my r7 260 To a R9 280 GDDR5-3GB GPU, Can I run it on my current system? Or would I need a PSU upgrade? Here are some links to the PSU: http://goo.gl/Fr6deV CPU: http://goo.gl/WhJR34 and possibly new GPU: http://goo.gl/5GaEZg or http://goo.gl/ZWdCK5
Please don't go into to much trouble to answer! Thank's in advance!

600 Seems like a lot of power Honestly it should be enough. AMD processor usually use a lot too.

If you really want to be sure you can look up the power usage on all of your PC components and add them together to find the bare minimum wattage for a PSU. In all honesty to be safe I would add wattage of your PC components (MOBO, graphics card, processor, any instaled cooling systems) then add 100-150W and that should be a safe amount of wattage for your computer.

After looking at your pictures too both cards seem to use ~250W and both recommend over 500.