"A" key doubling the letter every time it's pressed. "AA" instead of a single "A"

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Aug 12, 2016
every few times I press the "A" key it doubles the letter a aa a aa aa aa a aa a a aa << as you can see. How can I fix this WITHOUT buying a new keyboard REGARDLESS of how cheap you believe they are. I am on social security disability on an extremely fixed income so buying a new keyboard really is not an option for me. So i'd prefer ways to fix the "A" key to stop it from doubling up the letter on single button presses thank you. This is happening on a normal PC not a laptop. With a keyboard plugged into a usb port. I could not find a PC help section. thanks again in advance.
Pop the key off, install it again. If that does not work, try another keyboard. You can find working used keyboard for a few dollars at thrift shops.
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