A keyboard activated with guitar sound!


Sep 21, 2012
Hello people!
I need help, it's for a competition with a prize at the end, but I don't even know where to start!

The main idea is that I want to be able to literally type on the computer with my guitar.
The more in depth explanation of that is that I want to somehow make my computer anylyse the sound my guitar makes,
and for every specific range of frequency (for every tone) to input a letter or any key on the computer.
Please help me cause I really want to win that competition, so I am gonna try hard to put that system together!

You won't find ready solution (after all, the competition you're entering into is not for Googling, I suppose). But Google could be your friend to gather the pieces for solution based on Hardware "keyboard emulator"
Have a look at this http://mitchtech.net/arduino-usb-hid-keyboard/. It uses a (very user-friendly) microcontroller connected to your PC, and the software inside that controller emulates a keyboard. Now, find another piece of software for Arduino which listens to analog input (where you connect a microphone, or guitar pick-up), analyzes the frequency, and translates it into a key.

Good luck hacking!


Nov 24, 2012

Thanks a lot!
I really appreciate it.
It might be what I go for and I know other recommend me the same. Might be.

You might have heard about the rocksmith and rocksmith 2014 games.
I was thinking to utilized the jack to USB cable they have already made and which works great.

So right now I am trying to get a hold of their developer team to implement what this thread is about, as a guitarcade game as they are called at least in rocksmith 2014.

I am not so sure about the success of that, but if not then I will still like to utilize the existing USB cable and will then 'just' need software on e.g. PC that detects this input and transform them to keyboard keys.

I might be able to on freelancer or similar or maybe a local university here, but more help will also be very appreciated.