flynnct :
Also I think there might be a unit out there with the Nvidio ION II GPU
Currently, the only ion II equiped netbook is an asus 12" one (the Eee PC 1201PN).
A 10" ion equiped netbook doesn't exist.
If you're willing to forgo the ion 2, but must have the resolution, then you can try the 11" sony vaio X series, which only weighs 1.6 lbs, and still has 1366 x 768... but then the price you're paying is ridiculously expensive ($1200 or so).
Alternatively, you can try the vaio P series, at 1.3 lbs and 1600 x 768 resolution, though the screen is only 8", and costs around $900.
There's also the first generation HP netbook that i forgot the name of, which has a high res screen as well, but since HP already put out a second generation...