Abnormally Slow Lenovo B50


Jul 7, 2017
So my parents just gave me this B50 because it was too slow and they wanted me to "fix it up". It wasn't too slow oh no... I haven't used a laptop this slow since those mini laptops from 2008's. So I thought it probably was full of viruses and malware and installed a fresh Windows 10. It really didn't change much so I wonder is it the OS? The hard drive? Maybe I sound stupid but I can't figure it out. It originally came with Windows 8. The CPU is an N2840 and I know it isn't much but it would be hard to believe something this slow was for sale to start with. It has 4 gigs of DDR3 and obviously Intel HD graphics. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A celeron N2840 is about as good as a athlon 64 3800+. A single core cpu from...

A celeron N2840 is about as good as a athlon 64 3800+. A single core cpu from over 15 years ago. This celeron was back when it released meant for light internet browsing and typing a word dock. It's on the edge of being to weak to be used in todays world and does not work well with windows 10. An ssd woul certainly speed it up but then you are basically putting a ssd into a 15 year old machine that struggles to play hd youtube.