I've spent the past week trying to figure out what laptop to get.
I've pretty much narrowed it down to the above 2. Both are running under $2,000
I sure could use some help with this decision.
I'm kinda leaning more towards the asus because I hear a lot about quality and construction problems with acer.
Also, if I'm a complete moron and there's something much better for that kind of cash,
please clue me in.
http/cgi.ebay.com/Acer-Computer- [...] 1|294%3A50
http/cgi.ebay.com/ASUS-G71G-Q2-1 [...] 1|294%3A50
Any help would be greatly appreciated..........
I've pretty much narrowed it down to the above 2. Both are running under $2,000
I sure could use some help with this decision.
I'm kinda leaning more towards the asus because I hear a lot about quality and construction problems with acer.
Also, if I'm a complete moron and there's something much better for that kind of cash,
please clue me in.
http/cgi.ebay.com/Acer-Computer- [...] 1|294%3A50
http/cgi.ebay.com/ASUS-G71G-Q2-1 [...] 1|294%3A50
Any help would be greatly appreciated..........