I am getting a new computer soon and i will need a new monitor to be compatible with it. I also want my current bad laptop to be compatible with it (my laptop only has a displayport and VGA) My current monitor that only has VGA wouldn't support my pc that im going to build so im going to need a new monitor for it, i found out that i couldn't buy off newegg here in england due to VAT, Postage and import charges so i have to buy on sites such as ebuyer or amazon. I am flickering through warehouse deals on amazon as many products over £200 used have £50 off (but not all of them) I really like the idea of an ultrawide and have about £200 to spare.I have found 2 deals that catch my attention, This monitor
The acer CB290C is £260 with the deal on it so it will be £210 and
The LG 29UM68 is £200 but doesnt have the deal on it. So they both have very similar price points
(Acer: https/www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-CB290Cbmidpr-29-Inch-Monitor-100M/dp/B00LX2J8OI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&th=1)
(LG: https/www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01AWG59V6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_147_5?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=EBEV1FRXXDJN0Z2WD13W)
I cant notice much of a difference exept the LG looking nice and the Acer having a height ajustment, They dont give you many details and i would like to know what one is better and what would you buy, Thanks
PS: The deal ends on the 20th so in two days so please reply before then
also, will i get better deals on monitors on black friday, will ebuyer have better items with good deals and is there any other good deals on 29-34 inch ultrawides in my price range or lower?
Is it worth waiting till black friday because if i wait ill lose the nice deals on the warehouse (do they do warehouse black friday deals?)
Thank you for taking your time to read this and help me out
The acer CB290C is £260 with the deal on it so it will be £210 and
The LG 29UM68 is £200 but doesnt have the deal on it. So they both have very similar price points
(Acer: https/www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-CB290Cbmidpr-29-Inch-Monitor-100M/dp/B00LX2J8OI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&th=1)
(LG: https/www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01AWG59V6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_147_5?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=EBEV1FRXXDJN0Z2WD13W)
I cant notice much of a difference exept the LG looking nice and the Acer having a height ajustment, They dont give you many details and i would like to know what one is better and what would you buy, Thanks
PS: The deal ends on the 20th so in two days so please reply before then
also, will i get better deals on monitors on black friday, will ebuyer have better items with good deals and is there any other good deals on 29-34 inch ultrawides in my price range or lower?
Is it worth waiting till black friday because if i wait ill lose the nice deals on the warehouse (do they do warehouse black friday deals?)
Thank you for taking your time to read this and help me out