Acer E1-571 power up issue


Sep 24, 2016
I have an acer e1-571 which had a power jack problem. You know, when you have to wiggle the plug to get it to charge. It was getting really bad so I decided to try and replace it myself.

I got a part off eBay and set about taking the laptop apart, replacing the jack and reassembling.

Now the laptop will not power up. The blue power light comes on (and the orange battery light - so power jack fixed!). The HDD whirrs very quietly and does not seem to be doing anything (hdd light does not come on either). Screen completely black (not even a backlight).

So far I have tried:

Taking part again, checking connections and reassembling. (One side of the black clip that holds the keyboard cable in snapped but cable seema to be fully inserted and tight).

Take out battery and power cable, hold power button, reboot (using just power, just battery and both).

Taken out RAM and reinsert.

Is there anything else.I can try or is the MB fried? Full disclosure: being an idiot when I first reassembled I put the battery in to check the jack was working before reconnecting some of the cables (e.g. screen/speakers).