Acer E5-571 black screen on startup after attempting ram & ssd upgrade


Jan 2, 2016
Recently, I bought 2 8GB Kingston RAM sticks and a Sandisk Extreme Pro SSD and replaced them with the existing parts in my laptop. After this upgrade I'm able to turn on the laptop, but I get no screen input. The laptop fan runs for a couple seconds and I'm able to open the dvd drive, but nothing is happening on the screen. After 10 or 15 seconds, the laptop reboots and repeats the process. When putting the old ram back in nothing happens either. Do I need to reflash my BIOS or something?

Was the replacement RAM a DDR3L SDRAM? Here are some troubleshooting steps that may help.

- Do start by doing a hard reset, remove the battery and AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds and see if it will boot up.
- Next is if there's light on the laptop connect an external monitor and see if you'll see a display on it.
- If these will not work do reseat the RAM sticks, take them all off for couple of seconds then put them back in making sure that they are all seated properly.
- Also try another AC adapter that has the same voltage with yours and see if the laptop will boot up.
- If all these will not work do place the original RAM and HDD and see if it will boot up.