Acer netbook battery light flashes 5 times and nothing happens

thomas chavers

Jan 16, 2012
acers aspire one....D257 i left it charging for the afternoon , came back and it was off . i went to start it with the start button and nothing. the little battery icon on the front of the key board flashes 5times red or orange every time i push the start button. i read the instruction on residual discharge of power , take the battery out and unplug it and hold the power button down for 30 sec....nothing changed after i restored the battery and A/C power. how do i test the battery or the charger? how do i order new ones if i need them? :bounce: :bounce: :eek:
Try to run without the battery, just on wall power.

Cheapest thing to try is a new power brick. Then you are looking into having someone check the power connection and maybe replacing the motherboard. On a netbook, probably not worth it, can get a new one for about the same cost. Unless it's a power plug issue, but you could end up spending money to try to fix it and that's not the issue.
Try to run without the battery, just on wall power.

Cheapest thing to try is a new power brick. Then you are looking into having someone check the power connection and maybe replacing the motherboard. On a netbook, probably not worth it, can get a new one for about the same cost. Unless it's a power plug issue, but you could end up spending money to try to fix it and that's not the issue.

thomas chavers

Jan 16, 2012

thank you guys for the ideas...i replaced the power brick as you call it and it started right up....i found a used one in some old junk and it was the same out put and npn or pnp..i cannot remember...but the stats. were +/- 10% so it works...hurraayy!!!!