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I have never tried to add Toslink to a player. It can be done as long as
the chip set has the output and most do. I have not looked at the manual to
see what this one has.
As for the electroyltics you'd have to buy will cost you $10 to $50
themselves depending on your selection and quantity. You just have to
desolder the old ones and add new ones in their place.
I'm gathering you know the CLD-1010 has the red laser like the HLD-X9 and it
has a pretty good picture and it was made in the 1980's, mine was made in
May 1987. Puzzles me why Pioneer made this one of a kind single sided unit
"Steve Grauman" <> wrote in message
> >This first thing to do in all these older machines is replace the
> >capacitor with audiophile quality ones, Michicon MUSE or BlackGates.
> >will do wonders of opening up the top end. Normal Electrolytics act like
> >low pass filters. Also it will sound a little warmer than newer LD
> >as it has a multi-bit DAC.
> >
> >Kurtis
> I'd like to know if it's possible to add that Toslink connection so that
> superior DACs in my receiver can do the work where digital soundtracks are
> concerned. However, this won't solve the problems associated with the
> analog output. How much improvement will replacing the decoupling
> make? And do you know if adding Toslink is even a possibility here?
There's a
> 1010 up on EBay for $39 and it'd be a tempting buy (especially with the
> laser) if I thought these minor audio quibbles could be worked out. Also,
> know that the 1010 is said to have similar electronics to the S2, so how
> similar is the picture output? And is there any way to adjust the 1010 so
> it maintains it's low noise levels but produces a sharper picture, more
> to the 70X series players?
> Steve Grauman