After we replaced the bulb, we can no longer use the xbox, wii, or dvd player.

You specified that you can longer use the xbox, wii, or the dvd player. What about normal TV does that still work?
just replacing the backlight ccfl shouldn't affect your inputs in any way unless you damaged something else internal when replacing said bulb. you should check all the inputs out and normal tv channels like cold71 stated. also, remember that for some devices your tvchannel must be set to 04(usually, but check your manuals) and be on the correct input.
Thanks - yes the TV does work with the cable box. The cable box uses a five pronged chord (sorry I don't know the terminology.) All my other inputs use a three (red, white, yellow) chord.
When I hit the tv/video button on the tv remote, it comes up with video 1, video 2 and input 1 (where I've connected the devises) but the screens are all black.

Sure would appreciate any ideas. I feel like it could be some crazy setting on the tv, but I did spend an hour with someone from Panasonic, and they said it was not a setting.
You may want to try hooking an HDMI to the xbox and see if that works assuming your tv supports HDMI and you have a newer xbox. In any case it sounds like the board the manages those connections has gone up.
Great, I will see if the xbox will take an HDMI - so if the board has gone up, is that a costly repair, or is that an easy repair like the bulb replacement was? Sure appreciate your help!
I don't know a lot about tv's outside of the basics. I would assume the management/control for these plugs is on the main board. Which I heard on most LCD's can be in the $400+ range to get fixed. In other words you might want to start looking at new tv's. Assuming your outside of your warranty. Some one else you has a bit more experience may be able to chime in here. I just picked up a 42" LCD 1080p 120hz for $700 though. So if your at $400-$500 for repair you may as well buy a new tv at that point.