Am I being Hacked?


Aug 22, 2016
Ok, so last night I was playing some games on my computer, with some other applications opened. When I closed everything, I saw a different background on my desktop. The background said "motivation, some people need it more than others" with a picture. You can find this picture by googling the phrase. ALSO it had the date of that day written underneath. (August 21st 2016) with a [6] in brackets. And whenever I changed the background, it would change back to to this one after a while.
Today I TRIED to do some snooping but I didnt find anything much. Nothing suspicious in the event viewer or anything like that. When I went into the wallpapers folder and did some more snooping the, picture all of a sudden dissapeared when I changed the wallpaper again. Can someone tell me what this is.


May 13, 2016
I had an old laptop given to me by a friend, that was riddled with viruses/malware. The wallpaper was constantly being changed by one of the malware programs, so you might be in the same boat that I was in. The antivirus already installed (Avast) was compromised (old definitions), and the system language was changed. I wiped the computer and reinstalled the OEM, and that was the end of that.

Anyways, you might want to consider hopping on another computer with your favorable antivirus, create a bootable antivirus USB drive, and proceed scan your system.