Analog and digital TV input lag


May 11, 2016
Hello, I'm looking at getting an analog 720p TV for retro consoles particularly original Xbox, but I'm unsure if this will have less input lag then a digital which will process the signal more I believe or if the slowdown is based on processing effects on all of the inputs regardless of whether the tv is analog or digital?

(By analog I mean the signals the TV receives, which I then assume the TV internals are also analog)

I know some digitals have a game mode which reduces the latency a lot but would an analog beat this lag even with that mode active as I wish to use component input.

No currently made display is analog. An analog input (component, s-video, or composite video) would be converted to digital.
You would have to find an old HD CRT TV. The next best thing is to get a 720p TV which would not have to upscale to 1080p reducing the amount of processing.

Does a TV that receives an analog signal, even if it's a modern LED or LCD, count as analog, or is it just CRT's that are analog?
no the thing is the signal maybe analog so then the LED/LCD TV has to process and convert the signal that is was causes lag, older tvs don't/can't have to do that and basically just spit out the information given. A simple way of thinking about is if I only spoke Spanish and you only spoke English we would need some one to translate between us that would be the "lag" in our conversation.