I was looking around the internet for a set of non vr 1080p googles for gaming and all I could find are a bunch of fpv goggles for drones. I would buy a pair of vr goggles but my laptop only has a GTX 965m graphics chip in it so it wont support vr. I was wondering if there are goggles or glasses out there that are true 1080p, not vr, and can be plugged and powered using usb and hdmi. The only thing that comes close to what I am looking for is the Echine Goggles One http
/graysonhobby.com/eachine-goggle-one-5-8g-40ch-1080p-hdmi-fpv-goggles.html?utm_source=google_shopping but like I said before they are for drones and also they look too bulky. Does anyone know of any goggles or glasses with 1080p display, can be used for gaming, not too bulky, and be plugged in using hdmi and powered with usb?