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Are these laptops good buys?


Well you just went from basic laptop to performance laptop in that little statement.

Both of the two laptops you linked would be usable for web surfing and ms office, keyword being usable, but will still be noticbaly slow.

Also those two laptops are incredibly expensive for being bottom end performance, even factoring canada prices those are like $200 overpriced, that is what you expect to see for $300 in USA.

Something like this + upgrading to 8gb would be much better, even with it having an HDD and not an SSD

Well you just went from basic laptop to performance laptop in that little statement.

Both of the two laptops you linked would be usable for web surfing and ms office, keyword being usable, but will still be noticbaly slow.

Also those two laptops are incredibly expensive for being bottom end performance, even factoring canada prices those are like $200 overpriced, that is what you expect to see for $300 in USA.

Something like this + upgrading to 8gb would be much better, even with it having an HDD and not an SSD

Seaweed Monster

Jun 7, 2014
To be honest, I wouldn't recommend either of them. Reason being, one has a AMD APU, which are not brilliant, and the other doesn't have an SSD, which is necessary for smooth performance.

I've done a bit of hunting around, and picked out a couple that I recommend:

+ ASUS F556UA-AB54-BL ($629) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07239QH2C/ref=s9_acsd_bw_wf_a_VSLTFAwa_cdl_4?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=unified-hybrid-11&pf_rd_r=GNB5E83BCS31KC5GXXBB&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=4abcbf9d-6d44-475f-beca-afd54f378994&pf_rd_i=565108&th=1

+ Dell Inspiron 15 5000 ($600 - Note: Only 720p screen) - https://www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-i5-7200U-Windows-English/dp/B072JYQ76W/ref=sr_1_7?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1509049559&sr=1-7&keywords=laptop&refinements=p_36%3A2421888011

+ Acer Aspire E 15 ($672) - https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Aspire-Intel-GeForce-E5-575G-75MD/dp/B01LD4MGR6/ref=sr_1_12?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1509049559&sr=1-12&keywords=laptop&refinements=p_36%3A2421888011

All three have similar specifications that include, an i5 or higher, 8GB's of DDR4 Ram and the SSD I mentioned previously (256GB's - Not a huge amount, but the performance you'll gain from using an SSD will be worth it). However in terms of performance, you'll find the Acer link to be the most powerful (Packing an i7 Dual-Core processor + an entry level dedicated graphics - for the odd light game or two).

All three will meet your needs, but personally if you can spare the extra bucks, it'd go with either the ASUS or Acer models linked above.

Hope that helps,