Aspire 7720-6208 notebook


Feb 21, 2009
Anyone help, at the opening screen where it asks for password I cannot type in my password as the keyboard will not work, I can use the mouse and on screen ketboard but on the notebook itself no keys will work hit them and nothing.

Not the answer I was hoping for but Thank You It sucks
Hello I never made any comment about your reply I definately did not say you suck. In fact I tryed your suggestion and it worked so I took it to where I purchased it and explained the problem they looked dumbfounded until I said you told me it was a possible loose connection to the keyboard, then they seemed to catch on. I wrote Acer with the problem and their tech people said to try removing the battery and use the house plug, that should work now that answer sucked I don't know anything about computers but I knew that wouldn't work. Sorry if someone offended you but it wasn't me and yes you where the only one that answered. Thank You very much for your help. I can't get this window to enlarge and when I hit add a reply it comes up to a blank screen(blue) taht I can't write in so I had to write it here. Once again Thank You very much and sorry if something got crossed.

Hello I posted a reply quite long but I never ever said you sucked you where the only one to answer and you where dead on the money. Thank You Very Much and sorry for any misunderstanding.
ah i miss understood. but removing battery won't help. try yourself.
under the laptop there are about 1 or 2 screws with a keyboard logo on them (means keyboard screws) remove those and then turn the laptop normaly and remove the top plate on top of the keyboard (it may have screws behind the hinges) or (screws under the battery) just pull it our with your finger. then remove the keyboard, remove it completly from the connector and plug it again making sure its inside and straight. this should sort it out