Hello I never made any comment about your reply I definately did not say you suck. In fact I tryed your suggestion and it worked so I took it to where I purchased it and explained the problem they looked dumbfounded until I said you told me it was a possible loose connection to the keyboard, then they seemed to catch on. I wrote Acer with the problem and their tech people said to try removing the battery and use the house plug, that should work now that answer sucked I don't know anything about computers but I knew that wouldn't work. Sorry if someone offended you but it wasn't me and yes you where the only one that answered. Thank You very much for your help. I can't get this window to enlarge and when I hit add a reply it comes up to a blank screen(blue) taht I can't write in so I had to write it here. Once again Thank You very much and sorry if something got crossed.