I have a Asus K52N bgr5, it keeps coming up with this message. I have done the restore that is accessed by F9, a few times in the past when i had this issue and it normally fixed the problem. This time around it does not seem that it is going to be my answer. It will still perform the restore, but even after i still have issues, and blue screen of death. When it reboots it comes back to this black screen with Reboot and select....
I don't even know what brand of hard drive i have, so i don't know which diagnostic to try to run to check the hdd.
Any questions, or suggestions to help, or a solution would be greatly appreciated
Update: i found that every time it crashes the boot priority changes, i switch it back. Once in all the times it failed, the hdd was not available on the list.
The thing that has me so confused is that if the hdd is failing, why can i ALWAYS get to the F9 restore function
OK, finally got it running long enough to get SeaTools. It fails short test. I can do a fix all, but im concerned this may get me to a point that i can no longer recover.
I have 2 options also, do the Seatools in windows, or Make the bootable and run Seatools from DOS.
is one better than the other? and do i really want to do this?
FURTHER UPDATE:I decided to run the SeaTools for DOS. burnt the CD and found that my CD rom drive is also not working. Does this change anything?
I don't even know what brand of hard drive i have, so i don't know which diagnostic to try to run to check the hdd.
Any questions, or suggestions to help, or a solution would be greatly appreciated
Update: i found that every time it crashes the boot priority changes, i switch it back. Once in all the times it failed, the hdd was not available on the list.
The thing that has me so confused is that if the hdd is failing, why can i ALWAYS get to the F9 restore function
OK, finally got it running long enough to get SeaTools. It fails short test. I can do a fix all, but im concerned this may get me to a point that i can no longer recover.
I have 2 options also, do the Seatools in windows, or Make the bootable and run Seatools from DOS.
is one better than the other? and do i really want to do this?
FURTHER UPDATE:I decided to run the SeaTools for DOS. burnt the CD and found that my CD rom drive is also not working. Does this change anything?