Asus K53E Charging Port Issue

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Nov 3, 2012
Hi everyone!
So about a month and a half ago I started having charging problems with my Asus laptop. The charge started toggling between "AC Mode" and "Battery Mode" and the LED light toggled on and off unless I held the charger in firmly the entire time it was in use. I had planned to fix it quickly until I got really sick and was unable to, now that I feel better I wanted to start working on it. The other day I noticed while holding in the charger an ample amount of heat coming from the connector head and immediately took the charger out. This is a new development for my pc issue. My question(s) is:
1) Is this a charging port issue as I first assumed?
2) With the charger now heating up at the port, is something else causing the problem?
3) What is the best solution to fix this?

If I hold the charger in, the battery icon reads "X& available (plugged in, charging) as it should normally. Any advice/info is appreciated!

Asus K53E
Windows 7 Home Premium x-64bit, SP 1
AC/DC Adapter Input 100-240V (1.5A), Output 19V (3.42A)
Thanks guys! Sadly I think the warranty may be dead now 🙁 I've been learning PC repair over the course of the last couple of months. I may be able to acquire a charging socket from one of my multiple tech friends, or the friend who has his own repair shop and has been teaching me pc repair himself! Appreciate the quick response a lot and will update as soon as I get it fixed!

Hi :)

If you have never stripped a lappy before, this is NOT the job for an amateur as EVERY part has to be removed... usual result from an amateur, is a non working lappy... that NEVER works again...

All the best Brett :)
I'll have my repair shop friend with me while I do this so I feel comfortable doing this (he can guide me and stop me before I do anything stupid :-D lol). Just another adventure in learning how to repair a pc for me 🙂

Hi :)

Good idea as long as you both know its a Laptop NOT a PC lol.... MUCH harder to strip , repair and rebuild...oh and you NEED the correct socket for your particular model, they are NOT generic...

All the best Brett :)

Hello, I am having the exact same problem with my computer, same modle.
Did you get this problem fixed? what did you have to do?
than you

I had the same problem with my K53E. It seems the issue is with the small wire coming off the circuit board which makes contact with the back of the power port connector. Apparently over time the connector wiggles so much it pushes and bends the wire just far enough away from the connector that it no longer makes a solid contact. I simply dropped a bit of solder on the back of the connector to bridge any gap with the wire coming from the circuit board. My laptop works great now.
I am wondering if you ever found a solution to your problem. I have as Asus K53E with the exact same issue. I bought a new power cord, but that did nothing to fix the problem, so it is obviously a problem with the internal mechanism. I have since given up and bought a new computer, bus still have the Asus on hand and would love to be able to use it or give it to someone because, other than the power cord issue, it works perfectly. You can write back to me directly at I would really appreciate any answer you can give me. Thanks.

Hi all,

I had the same problem with a g46v model laptop as well as an Asus x53s. In both cases the port for the power overheated and partially de-soldered from the motherboard.

In the case of the g46v, as soon as I had the motherboard removed it was obvious which connection was bad The bad solder joint was much darker and nowhere near as shiny as the other two. Also when lightly pushing on the actual power connector, you could see the solder moving around when it was supposed to be attached to the Motherboard. I scraped away some of the protective plastic near the solder and re-soldered the joint using about 3x as much solder and a much wider solder area. Hopefully this allows the current to move more freely, which will prevent the overheating and de-soldering issue in the future. I have not been able to test it for longer than a few hours but all seems well.

The x53s was a different story though, when I broke that one apart the power connector was very difficult to get to even with the motherboard detached. And my attempt to fix this solder joint wound up frying the motherboard. There are some small resistors right next to the power connector, and on the same circuit so I assume (at least) one of them overheated and is no longer functional.

I'm curious if many Asus laptops have a similar problem or if I happened to get 2 bad ones in a row. Other then the power issues they are solid laptops, but if it's more common I'll probably go with another brand with my next one. I called Asus and the help-desk person I talked with basically told me it was not covered under warrenty even though I've had this laptop for less than a year, so a repair shop or your own soldering job might be the cheapest way to go for anyone else experiencing the same problem.
Hello everyone

I have just spoken to Asus technical support regarding this problem. They fixed the same port problem under the warranty on my son's laptop (X53E) in September last year. It has now gone again. They advise me that their repairs are only covered for three months- hardly a satisfactory warranty and repair service. I pointed out to the Asus guy that this sounds like a design and manufacturing fault and not just wear and tear. The only thing suggested to me was to take it to a repair place and get a fault report. My feeling is that if we all just carry on getting these design/manufacturing faults fixed ourselves these companies will never do anything about it. I'm going to make a complaint to Asus' head office. Why don't we all do that, perhaps they will stop making defective goods?


How much will it cost to get this fixed? I have the same problem, but perhaps it will better to buy a new lap?



There are various places to get this done. My local shop quoted $125 and it could take as long as a week. Other prices tend to range between $70 and $100, and you have to add about $20 for yourself to ship the computer out (using UPS; it's about $30 USPS). Admittedly, the $70 online quote wanted me to strip the computer myself.

Meanwhile it's about $25 for a usable soldering iron, solder, flux, and copper braid for desoldering and $10 for a new socket.

I have this same problem on my K53S, and if you ignore the overheating, your computer will short, eventually, and it can fry not only your charger ($20 for a generic brand), but also your battery. My own battery is shot at this point as I'm using this computer to learn how to fix this. I'm confident in my ability to properly strip a computer; soldering is the issue.

So if you have better components in your machine, it's definitely worth the repair. If you have a $300/old computer in the first place and feel you'd be better served with a new machine, for $35 you might want to try to repair it yourself. If you don't have a precision tool set, you can pick one up for about another $5. And any tools you buy, you'll have on hand for the future.

Same thing happened to me. My issue was with the power cord. The cord by the power supply got bent 1 too many times and was somewhat kinked, which may have severed an internal connection of one of the wires. I bought a new replacement power adapter and cord and it works fine now.
I have a k53e and it has the same problem. I really don't think the computer is worth spending $125 to fix it, nor do I have the money to replace my laptop. Very frustrating. I will not be getting another ASUS, although I really like this computer other than the charger port issue. Sounds like a widespread flaw, not to mention a big problem for the consumer who just needs to use their dang computer. Grrrrrr.

I also have this problem and I think you have the right idea about complaining to Asus regarding this issue. Does sound like a manufacturing problem as so many people have the same issue. Would be great if everyone with this issue complained to ASUS as well.

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