Asus laptop plugged in, charging but does not go above 69% and shuts down when charger is unplugged

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Jul 4, 2017
Hi, I recently bought an Asus laptop about a week ago and it was working fine up until a few days ago. Now it only boots up when the charger is plugged in and shows 69% available, charging. When unplugged, it shuts down immediately and I can only use it when plugged in. Its only a week old and hasn't suffered any physical damage.....please help me out guys..

Thanks in advance !!!
I have a 4 month old ASUS Zenbook 4. I was fiddling on my laptop one day and I believe accidentally clicked on the battery icons. since I was always charged while at Starbucks. Then I noticed days after that my battery icon says 59% not charging. I wad going through the fora and decided to go recount what I had done. So I Clicked on the arrow upward icon to show the hidden icons. Then click on the icon "Full capacity mode" Problem solved.

You are a savior! I thought my battery is about to die but you saved me :) Thanks
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