Solved! ASUS-ROG Sudden Black screen

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Jan 24, 2018

My Asus ROG laptop screen stopped suddenly to work while I was working on it. The screen went suddenly black. When I connect an external screen, I can receive the images.
I have checked luminosity, duplication of screen, Nvidia driver are updated...

I am clueless - I don t k wo what to do???

This problem is posted everywhere without a real solution. It happened to my ASUS ROG - I know why it happened and I know how to fix it.

1. On two occasions, my screen flickered and blacked out - dead. Restarting the computer worked.

2. Then I noticed it when I mishandled my laptop. The screen was open, and I used my right hand to pick up the laptop using the right side of the keyboard. When my thumb pressed into the laptop, it died. This time, when I restarted, the ASUS logo showed up, and then it went black - the screen was on however, but just black. The only way to fix this was to restart while connected to a TV via HDMI. Then once it works, disconnect the HDMI and carry on as usual.

3. Finally, it just went total black and the...
Well it could be the display itself, which would then have to be replaced. It could also be the cable that connects it. Which could have come loose, or be damaged.

If it were the GPU, then the external display wouldn't work. That is if they are using the same GPU. Now if they are using different ones, it could still be the one GPU is bad.

Any of these would require replacement.
Thanks for the reply - the NVIDIA card definitely works - I use the same GPU.

Damn, I am such an Asus fan ! I am such an ambassador for the quality of their PC. My enthusiasm for their product is decreasing ...

I contact the Asus support to see what they can do....

Haha, to me just happened absolutely the same with my asus g501 jw! This ia now the third time in 1 year that i have to send my laptop for repair (SSD failure, motherboard defect and now this!!) Did you have any success with your issue?
We had the same issue with our Asus Zephyrus 1080 laptop. We returned the first one and got a replacement. The second one we received had the same issue. Based one this occurring on two separate laptops, I believe it's an inherent design flaw with these specific laptops.
This problem is posted everywhere without a real solution. It happened to my ASUS ROG - I know why it happened and I know how to fix it.

1. On two occasions, my screen flickered and blacked out - dead. Restarting the computer worked.

2. Then I noticed it when I mishandled my laptop. The screen was open, and I used my right hand to pick up the laptop using the right side of the keyboard. When my thumb pressed into the laptop, it died. This time, when I restarted, the ASUS logo showed up, and then it went black - the screen was on however, but just black. The only way to fix this was to restart while connected to a TV via HDMI. Then once it works, disconnect the HDMI and carry on as usual.

3. Finally, it just went total black and the screen was just off completely. No luck, restarting doesn't work - and holding down the power button didn't force a shut down. It just restarted the laptop, like sleep on/off. HDMI trick didn't work either. However, the TV did show the display while connected. Therefore, I knew that the screen of the laptop is the problem.

4. The hinges of my laptop were a bit loose and seemed to move about a bit. Considering this, and considering the way my thumb pressing down on the corner of the laptop messed it up, I guessed that some wire or something was pinched - I was right. I opened up the laptop and the wire leading from the motherboard to the screen was tight and pinched between the plastic surroundings. Luckily, it hadn't cut. I pulled it back a bit and it loosened, and I tucked it down nice and safe. When I reassembled the laptop, it worked like a charm, and now here I am, posting this solution.

5. So my advice would be this - first connect to HDMI - if the TV works as a laptop display, it's probably that the pesky little display cable is pinched. Use iFixit as a guide, open up the laptop, and check the wire leading to the screen. If it is pinched, loosen it. If it is cut, then you will need to buy a new one and replace the wire (you will need to open up the screen in this case too).

Good luck men. Don't bust your laptop by the way. Just take it slow, be organised, have your tools ready, keep a little pot handy so you don't lose the screws, and be gentle when you get to the motherboard. You'll be fine.

Click here for the guide that I used

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