Asus t100ta recovery drive boot


Jul 30, 2011
Hello, I am trying to get my tablet to boot my recovery drive on my external HDD but it won't. It is a windows 10 recovery drive made from my desktop and it boots on there, but not on this. I am about to put lubuntu on it and wanted to make sure it recognized my HDD first. Anyone know why it wouldn't recognize a recovery drive?

Because I am having so much trouble getting external media to boot on this thing I thought to update the bios, but I haven't been able to do that either. I put the bios update on my flash drive (fat32) and tried to use the on-board ez boot, but when I go to the file where it is stored it doesn't see the file. Anyone also know if the bios update for this computer help with it recognizing external media, and if so how to get it to work?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Jun 2, 2017
hey dude. you have to create bootable flash disk with disk part it dosnt matter what is your flash disk fat system you can use fat 32 or ntfs the main problem is you have to use uefi and 32 bit os as a bootable flash
use this commands on disk part on other system to make boot disk
list disk
* select ur flash memory
create part primary
format the flash memory at windows ntfs or fat32
copy all files from windows cd to flash
Remember only windows 8 or 10 32 bit can be usable ...