Asus UX330UA keyboard gone crazy

Jul 14, 2018
So my girlfriend wanted to clean her asus laptop and lightly sprayed degreaser on the keyboard. Two days later the left key is crazy.

Phisicaly all the keyboard looks fine but is like the left direction key is presses. So I cannot even type in the keyboard because is like the left key invalidates every other stroke.

I even installed a software to deactivate the keyboard so I could uninstall the keyboard driver and restart. But nothing happened.

She told me she don't think she applied too much of the cleaner. Just lightly. Any thoughts? Thanks.
There was to much and it got inside. Wouldn't shock me at all. Try turning it off, attaching an external keyboard, and turn it on again. If it works fine then, it is likely not the driver but there is some liquid or something else inside that needs to be removed before it does more damage.

Also, I would suggest never using something like that on a keyboard.
There was to much and it got inside. Wouldn't shock me at all. Try turning it off, attaching an external keyboard, and turn it on again. If it works fine then, it is likely not the driver but there is some liquid or something else inside that needs to be removed before it does more damage.

Also, I would suggest never using something like that on a keyboard.