Hello everyone. I'm a single mom of two great kids. Long story short, I left a 6 year controlling and abusive relationship 2 years ago. Now that I'm on my own, starting with nothing, but proudly getting an apartment, car and more, want to get myself my own 2 in 1 to be able to start my online business on again, as well as stream music, hold photos, etc. I'm very excited to start my life with my kiddos and want my business to get going soon. I've searched for months. I'm very electronically inclined, but not with brands. I'm looking into the Toshiba L55W-C5357 and the Asus Q504U Notebook PC. I know the obvious differences, but wanted to know which one was actually faster, better in general. The two listings on Amazon for each are the Toshiba with 4.5 by 22 people and the Asus at 5 by 11 people. I've included both item links below. I really need this, and as a single very busy mom, am getting tired of looking but not getting answers. Saw this website and figured you nice people may be able to help! Thx! See below. Toshiba site https
/www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01CLVV4DW/ref=aw_wl_ov_... and Asus site https
Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!