Hello all,
I have an ASUS N551JQ-EH71 Gaming Laptop Intel Core i7 4710HQ (2.50 GHz) 8 GB Memory 750 GB HDD NVIDIA GeForce 845M 2 GB GDDR3 15.6" Windows 8.1 64-Bit (http
/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232357&cm_re=ASUS_N551JQ-EH71-_-34-232-357-_-Product). It originally came with windows 8.1 but I installed windows 7 and am having a hard time finding the WLAN, 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN, driver for this. I've looked on the ASUS website for drivers but it seems the atheros one doesnt seem to work and I dont know what I should be looking at or downloading from the atheros.cz site.
any help or suggestions would be appreciated to help fix my problem so I can finally use wifi instead of being wired in via ethernet cord.
I have an ASUS N551JQ-EH71 Gaming Laptop Intel Core i7 4710HQ (2.50 GHz) 8 GB Memory 750 GB HDD NVIDIA GeForce 845M 2 GB GDDR3 15.6" Windows 8.1 64-Bit (http

any help or suggestions would be appreciated to help fix my problem so I can finally use wifi instead of being wired in via ethernet cord.