Asus x555l and windows 7


Jan 25, 2016
Hello all =)
So , I recently bough a new laptop, nothing fancy because my budge was low... BUT it came with windows 10, no drivers or cd/dvd backup.

So... i hate windows 10. i really want to install 7 64bits, but im afraid that i can´t find drivers for it ( and all the asus and intel little programs that came with the laptop ) .

WIll i be in trouble if i do a clean install of win7 on this?
thanks in advanced!

specs: i35005u 2.0MHz - intel hd5500 - gforce 920M 2MB - 4GBddr3 -
Why do you hate windows 10? If it's the look you don't like, just get classicshell (google it) and it will turn the way windows 10 looks back to windows 7, while allowing you to use the OS as windows 10 so you get all the updates etc.
im using the classic shell ( i really wanted to try a deviantart full theme ( ) , but im afraid it will crash the system after patch ) .
it´s the look, its the notifications, its the way i need to navigate to reach certain things i had just in front of my eyes ( example control panel ) , its the ideia of a OS that´s also made for phones and other gadgets i don´t use ( and tbh certain things need to be different in my opinion... some kind of hybrid for pc´s and gadgets for me its a major fail ) , and... im expecting that i will win a lot of extra memory since i only have 4GB.. budget was cut short, couldn't get 8GB.

But if the general opinion is that i MUST take time to appreciate win10, then that´s what i will do i guess...
and it win7 will give me compatibility problems obviously...

I just dnt feel im in full control of my OS like i was with XP and 7...

im using the classic shell ( i really wanted to try a deviantart full theme ( ) , but im afraid it will crash the system after patch ) .
it´s the look, its the notifications, its the way i need to navigate to reach certain things i had just in front of my eyes ( example control panel ) , its the ideia of a OS that´s also made for phones and other gadgets i don´t use ( and tbh certain things need to be different in my opinion... some kind of hybrid for pc´s and gadgets for me its a major fail ) , and... im expecting that i will win a lot of extra memory since i only have 4GB.. budget was cut short, couldn't get 8GB.

But if the general opinion is that i MUST take time to appreciate win10, then that´s what i will do i guess...
and it win7 will give me compatibility problems obviously...

I just dnt feel im in full control of my OS like i was with XP and 7...

You probably haven't been using it long enough. Most people feel the same way with every OS change..XP to Vista to 7 etc. It does feel a bit geared towards tablets like windows 8 was, but that's why they kind of made 10. It's like a merge of 7 and 8. The classicshell gets rid of the things that annoyed me personally about windows 10. Control panel etc...sure..but do you really go into control panel every 5 minutes every day that it will annoy you? Or is it something you use maybe once a month?

That being said, if you really dislike it that much, you can contact the laptop customer service and they should provide you with a cd with the drivers needed for your laptop, or point you to where you can download it. Then install windows 7, install those drivers, and you're good to go. Windows 7 is scheduled to continue receiving updates until 2020 I think so you'll be fine either way.

thank you for your reply. didn't that "2020" important detail =)
im getting old, so im still from the DOS era lol, and to be honest i never felt so uncomfortable with an new OS until now. i skipped 8 though, and people say its a better improvement.
Maybe i try that full theme i liked. if i screw up the system files, at least that gives me a excuse to install 7 😛 ( also, its not a ilegal copy, i actually bough it, so it would be a waste.. 😛 )

If that's the case and you really hate windows 10 that much then go ahead and install windows 7 with a clean install. You can just go to and download drivers for your laptop so you'll have everything back again. The intel programs that it came with are probably part of a driver set.

hum... when i did a search only i got were drivers for 8 and 10... thank you for that.