AT&T Hurts iPhone 3G's Image

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I agree on the pricing issues. I won't be buying an iPhone 3G simply because of the so-called 'upgrade eligability' BS. Well, that and the fact that the phone has at least a half-dozen features my 2 YEAR old Moto phone has (mainly A2DP). It does do things very well that no other device can do, but it's missing too many features for the price in my opinion.

As far as I know, Apple is offering the ability to purchase the phones at an Apple store, but you still have to activate it during the sale. Will they have AT&T reps in the store? I have no idea, but let's hope not.
Those eligibility rules seem fairly standard for the cell phone arena.
It doesn't seem like they're doing anything different for the iPhone....
I've used AT&T for about 5 years now, and my god has it been miserable. Not only is their customer service piss poor, the network is god awfully slow with tons of dropped calls. And that's just the start of it. Don't join AT&T. You'll be kicking yourself.

To be clear, I want an iPhone. I really want an iPhone. But I won't be getting one. I'm already having so much misery dealing with having had to replace 4 defective Blackberries (worst piece of garbage in electronics this side of the Phillips CD-I). I finally got a Blackjack II which is serving me alright. However, I want the iPhone, because I like my iPod touch and would like to have the convenience of a phone that works with all those features.

But, the iPhone will be too expensive, and AT&T is the most greedy and untrustworthy company I have come across. No way I am falling into this trap. Maybe Apple, instead of being greedy, should have considered making the Phone available to other carriers. That way there wouldn't be the need to activate the phone in store and have such ridiculous pricing, because people wouldn't buy it to hack it.
These new pricing policies are ridiculous. I can understand upping the data plan charge (a little!) for unlimited 3G (though they should provide a price tiered approach based on usage needs) - but where did the "twice as fast half the price" moto go!? My cell phone died on me 8 months ago so I renewed my contract knowing that iphones were not subject to contract based pricing. I got a free crappy phone waiting for the next iphone to come out. Now I have to pay $500 for it along with a 25% increase in plan rates?? Either they increase the rates and allow for all iphone buyers to get the carrier subsidized version or they leave the rates as is and make people pay the full price as it was previously. People like me (numerous for sure) get to pay for both! Maybe I'll just wait for Android compatible phones and switch companies!
(and don't get me started on SMS charges! why is it the same price as a unlimited 3G data plan, isn't it data as well ??!!)
Folks in Hong-Kong might pay $500 for their iphone but they get 500 minutes AND unlimited SMS for USD$24/month!
I would KILL to have it as good as you guys. Just look at the pricing strategies in Canada for the Rogers iPhone and you will be glad AT&T is your cellular provider!
I agree, I've been eagerly waiting for the iphone 3g for months. Now, AT&T has put me off to the whole thing by not only charging me $200 for the phone (quite a gift for being a loyal customer) because I am mid-contract and also jacking up the plan price to $80 (including basic 200 text messages). Totally ludicrous, I'll probably just leave ATT altogether when I'm done in March...
The whole idea of charging for texts msg is a crime. Check Asia.
The telecom companies that package and sells these txt plan, is no better than drug cartels.
why wont' AT&T DIE? this company has shady origin, so shady that history doubts the founder really invent the telephone.
Cell phone growth hasn't stop, and landlines is dying, these gougers are opportunistic pigs that will set erronous price plan for future to come.

This is absolutely ridiculous. I would have gladly spent the $299 for the 16GB iPhone AND paid the $30/month for the data plan, but based on the new pricing I'm seriously thinking about bagging ATT entirely and paying the early exit fee to do so. This has definitely burst the balloon the original announcement created.
Why do people complain? Do you think AT&T really cares if you don't agree? Do you have any idea how many people ARE going to go buy it? These prices aren't ridiculous at all for what you are getting. I'm not a huge Apple fan, I refuse to buy a Mac because I can buy a better PC for a lot less, but the iPhone trumps all other phones and is easily worth the money. If you're too cheap to pay for something that's worth the money, then don't buy it! No one is forcing you and no one wants to hear these annoying complaints.
This is really unbelievable--It's the bait and switch that has me angry. 1. Apple announced new lower pricing--no hint of an "if." 2. AT&T has always stated that the iPhone was apart from their normal contract prices--so you just have to pay the cost Apple charges (that was what they told me when I switched over but decided to wait for the new iPhone). 3. AT&T listed the cost of the new plans--and I was ready to pay the extra (which, I believe originally included 200 text messages). 4. Now, all of the above are no longer true--if I want an iPhone I have to pay full (old price) freight, plus increased cost per month.

On top of that, now I read that the 'family plan' with iPhones will be $40 extra per line instead of $10--that is truly low low low. I've written to Apple, will write to AT&T, but will they care? Doubt it.
It all comes down to GREED. Stinking f**king GREED. If Apple doesn't want to get involved in carrier pricing then why not offer an UNLOCKED iPhone and let the consumer choose? Cell phone carriers are all in bed with manufacturers now. They have become so accustomed to ripping users off every month that they would suck the blood from our veins if they could with their plan pricing, but they are oh-so-happy subsidizing the shitty "Made in China" devices we get.

It's not just AT&T. T-mobile is just as bad. What was once free GPRS access is now a pay-only option. And even with a text message plan, send just one SMS overseas and you'll be hit with $0.15.

But of course, as long as there are IDIOTS out there that will STAND IN LINE to pay $100+/month, we will ALL be exploited - the not-so-well-off but more-educated included.
I think stop-complaining hit the nail on the head. Lets be clear about this.. you don't need to have an iPhone. You may think you do, but really you don't, so if you don't like the deal don't buy it.

Has life been dumbed down so much that you can't manage your life with a Nokia?

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.

It is worth every penny. Tell me where you'll find all this technology in one solid package. I haven't heard anything negative about the iPhone so why not pay for quality?
See, if you don't want a good phone, you go out and get your Motorola's ,LG's, Samsungs, and Nokia's and other pieces of garbage that you will have to replace numerous times for a fee of $50 or even $110 a piece.
BUT if you want a real phone... state of the art phone that took competitors a whole new iPhone cycle to create, go ahead. Waste your money with classic interfaces and basic design.
No One Can Compete with Apple. They will lead the technology industry.
AT&T... their a joke but I want this phone. They can get their chump change because if they are as bad as you say they are, they WILL go bankrupt like T-Mobile did like 5 times.
Buy the iPhone 3G. It has a class of it's own. The class that everyone is applying for but just doesn't seem to have enough credits. haha
Wow, I can't believe you all are looking at this like they are ripping you off. They finally drop the price for people that sign a new contract and you all get bent up about it. if you want you can still buy the phone for the old price, nothing stopping you. But for new and old cust that have the ability to sign a contract can now get it for half the price is great.

I also like to say about the family talk for $40 a month is $10 for the additional line and the $30 for the data. If you look at the blackberry and the other pda, then you will see that they are also paying $30 a month for the data services. I think it was unfair for the cust who already had those and paying those prices, to see people walk in and get a iphone with data and text for less.

also like to add:

as far as I can tell if you get the unlimited family talk text for $30 for up to 5 phones a month that counts for the iphone also. which seems better then paying $40 a month for each iphone to have unlimited text and data.
I had my iphone since it came out and I finally cancelled yesterday. I found it to be expensive, and that's not even the ridiculous 3g plan. Like anonymous/stuart said, I woke up yesterday, and asked my self....
" I really need to be paying $60+ dollars a month for this? Can I live without this?" The answer is yes people.
I have been a BellSouth, Cingular Wireless, and now ATT customer for some time at least 15 years. This is nothing new to me and seeing the new devices come out and wanting the new devices. Contract agreements can be altered if you have been with them as long as I have, I have done this in the past although they caught on about 6 years ago that I was calling every year to get an upgrade. I haven't pulled the upgrade card out of the deck in about 6 years, so it is coming out this time. If I cannot get the upgrade at the 200.00 cost I will buy the device out right without the contract. I know that people are going to gravel in pain over the cost, but if you are like me, I have been buying these overpriced devices that just don't work. I have been through various devices, phillips MP3, Cingular 8525, Cingular 8125, Cingular 3125, Blackberry Pearl, Motorola MPX200, Motorola MPX220, Samsung Black 2, Palm Treo 750M so on and so on. Long story short, the story with ATT hasn't changed and if you have ever used an Apple product then you know the quality of the product and you have paid for that quality. The horrible part is having to deal with ATT and their customer service and long lines.

I wish you well with all your ventures.
Just buy an HTC Diamond: It's smaller, lighter, faster, more capable, more scalable, you don't have to hack it to install free programs, gps built-in including a-gps, youtube, opera 9.5. Don't give AT&T and Steve Jobs the satisfaction by buying an inprisoned and inprisoning phone and contract.
First, about the quote:

"Original iPhone (not 3G) owners have clout and status above regular people in AT&T?s world. If you bought the first-gen iPhone, you are privileged to buy the new iPhone at the discounted price."

Original iPhone owners paid full price for their phones, which is why they are permitted to get a 3G for a subsidized price. Perhaps Ms. Rosmarin should have actually done some research before posting this article, I expect better from this site.\

As for the rest of the article and some of the comments, total hogweash. Apple/AT&T cut the initial price significantly for almost all users, and people still moan and groan. Perhaps a few of you would have been happier if Apple had stayed with their $399/$499 pricing, but I'm fairly certain Apple will sell many more phones due to their lower initial price. As for plan pricing, I would like to see 200 text messages thrown in the iPhone plan but $30 for unlimited 3G data is not out of line in today's market.

I do not have any Apple computer products at this time, but I will be getting an iPhone 3G. At $199 it is a screaming deal.
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