Autocad 64 bit free download

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I'm an intern architect and was very keen last year on finding an 'affordable' version of Revit to practice with in between jobs at home, to keep up the skill set. I searched high and low for OEMs or freeware versions or whatever, and the upshot is that if a retailer claims to sell the product for 500$ or something, then its most likely a Black Market Hacker software chop shop. A) Its illegal B) the software is often buggy. C) You've just given your credit info to a Hacker.

Classically you had to buy the software individually. Autocad could cost as much as 3-4,000 and Revit could cost as much as 4-5,000.

Taking a cue from Adobe, Autodesk is switching to a subscription and package-suite pricing system. Now, instead of paying up to 8,000 for both Autocad and Revit, you can get a suite of both for about 6,000. If you already used both programs, this is a steal. If you were only interested in one of them, you're getting double-hosed.

This was way out of my price range so I gave up. NOW, however, they offer a new suite of Revit LT and Autocad LT (LT is about 90% functionality of the full version. Its like getting the GTX 670 instead of the 680) . For single seat users and small firms its a *REAL* bargain- which you'll never again hear me say about anything Autodesk sells. You can get this LT suite for 1,200 at the Autodesk Website.

The upshot is that for Less money than they used to charge for JUST Revit, I'm able to afford Autocad, Revit, and a new Origin computer. I researched the specs for this computer almost exclusively here at Toms, so I thought I'd give back to the Toms community with this PSA.

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