I liked the movie. However, most of us are stupid and narrow sighted, so immersed into their (our) drone lives, only interested in money, buying and accumulating useless crap, thinking these things are owed to us. Innovation was supposed to make us better people, but we're just prettier, more hip looking a*holes... Always competing...
Go hang out in the woods, live your own life, mind your own business and fix your childish misery (instead of trying to squash and trample ideas opposite to yours), use a bycicle or some environment-friendly vehicle and worry about being happy with what you do instead of being unhappy because of what you don't have... If people believe we need to suck the life out of this planet to be happy, then fine. I don't agree with it, but chances are we won't have anything to usefull suck out of rather sooner than later... let's see how your Iphone, your Truck, your bible, your tweets and Facebook pokes and ur Venti Mocca Latte with M&Ms helps you then!