Battery charger not detected

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Sep 4, 2016
Hi , I have a strange problem with my lenovo Y50p laptop.
Once i take out the charging cable and then reinsert it, my computer is not detecting it and as a result laptop is not charging.
Every time , in order to make it work again , I have to take out the battery and do a hard reset.
and then it detects the charger.
However once I take out the chord , same happens.
I have tried already reinstalling / deactivate -reactivating the ACPI battery control drivers (I tested my power cable with a different laptop , it works fine) but to no avail.
your kind advice is solicited.

The fact that is it is requiring you to reset the laptop before it will charge again is quite odd. Well try the following, to remove all power from the device and see if it resolves it.

1. First make sure the device has been charged.
2. Unplug your charger cord.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Press and hold the "Power" button for 30 seconds and see if the device will turn on.
5. If it does, great, now plug back in the power/charger cord. (If it didn't turn on without the cord in, it should turn on once you it is in. Yes sometimes they will turn on, or try to turn on, even with nothing attached/plugged in.)
6. Now put the battery back in.

Also, when plugging it in to the charger, make sure you are plugging the charger into the wall first...


Battery is charging properly and computer boots properly though it does not detect the charger anymore. only after a hard reset it detects the charger and starts charging again.
The fact that is it is requiring you to reset the laptop before it will charge again is quite odd. Well try the following, to remove all power from the device and see if it resolves it.

1. First make sure the device has been charged.
2. Unplug your charger cord.
3. Remove the battery.
4. Press and hold the "Power" button for 30 seconds and see if the device will turn on.
5. If it does, great, now plug back in the power/charger cord. (If it didn't turn on without the cord in, it should turn on once you it is in. Yes sometimes they will turn on, or try to turn on, even with nothing attached/plugged in.)
6. Now put the battery back in.

Also, when plugging it in to the charger, make sure you are plugging the charger into the wall first, and then into the laptop.

If none of this helps/works. Check your BIOS settings. Some BIOS have an option to disable charging the battery. Who ever came up with that bright idea, well, never mind. :) But you may want to check this as well.

Last option, the cord, while seems to be working correctly, may actually not be. If the cord is not putting out enough power so that it can both power the laptop and charge the battery, then you will get issues. You could try a different charger cord and see if that helps.


Battery is charging properly and computer boots properly though it does not detect the charger anymore. only after a hard reset it detects the charger and starts charging again.

Did you find any solution to your problem? I know this post is really old, but I cannot find any other post with the same problem.
Thank you.
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