Bent metal in sdcard holder

While you 'may' be able to bend them back, it would be quite risky to try doing yourself. To easy to apply just a tad to much pressure and snap it is broken. You may want to try a local tech about the repair. And I would seriously consider having the part replaced rather than just having them 'repair' it (aka bend it back) as the part will never be the same again and it will be more likely to break in the future.

This all, of course, is if you are referring to the slot that the SD card goes into. If you are talking about an actual holder (to say make a smaller card fit in a larger slot) then just replace the holder.
While you 'may' be able to bend them back, it would be quite risky to try doing yourself. To easy to apply just a tad to much pressure and snap it is broken. You may want to try a local tech about the repair. And I would seriously consider having the part replaced rather than just having them 'repair' it (aka bend it back) as the part will never be the same again and it will be more likely to break in the future.

This all, of course, is if you are referring to the slot that the SD card goes into. If you are talking about an actual holder (to say make a smaller card fit in a larger slot) then just replace the holder.