best anti spyware and codec pack


Mar 30, 2006
hi guys can anyone tell me what is best anti spyware?i m using xp sp2 32bit.
the other problem that encounters most is "codec missing" as idownload most stuff from internet.could u plz recommend me any codec pack that can play all of my videos
thanx in advance
My opinion is just one anti-spyware app isn't enough, I run several personally. If one of them misses a detection or can't remove an infection, the other often can or will pick it up. I'd at least have Ad-Aware Personal at and also Windows Defender at as both are completely free. Spybot Search and Destroy is another good free one.

In regards to your codec question, I'd suggest DLing and using mplayer and it's separate codec DL, however it's not a simple install as it is a free linux player. It even plays Real Media filetypes, amongst everything else. Otherwise, you can try finding a "K-Lite Codec Pack", I used to use that a year back. I've uninstalled every last codec as mplayer only needs it's own pack, no installations required.