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The Space Boss wrote:
> I have an intellivision game where the label came off (some atari
> games, too) and would like to know the best glue to use to glue them
> back on with? Thanks.
I find rubber cement to be the best. It doesn't create any permanent
chemical bond with the paper (so there's no danger of bleeding or label
discoloration), yet it still adheres perfectly.
It *has* to dry under pressure though.
The other advantage is any glue that bleeds out from the edges can be
rubbed off with the finger once dry, which easily removes it. This
leaves the cartridge and topside of the label unscathed, and the
underside of the label with glue up to its very edges for maximum hold.
One more bonus is that you can sniff it and forget who you are (and then
promptly go to the circus for maximum terror)