Hi! I'm Sarah and I've a little kid of almost 3 yo.. I'd like to let him use some ipad games but I really don't know where to start, there are too many. Can u please suggest me the best App for kids? Thanks! 😉
I would suggest paint/drawing apps and apps like Tangram/Lasors (those are both android apps) but im sure there will be iOS version for them. Basically I wouldnt go for other than brain-training games and I advice you not to let your kid play much 😀
Hi Sarah! my nephew enjoys playing with my ipad and he always go for talking tom, and honeyday blitz 2. I think he doesn't have any idea, but he enjoys it so much. He's 3
I would suggest paint/drawing apps and apps like Tangram/Lasors (those are both android apps) but im sure there will be iOS version for them. Basically I wouldnt go for other than brain-training games and I advice you not to let your kid play much 😀