When thou? All PC's were at risk last year when that virus was new and the anti-virus companies had no signature for it. But its nasty viruses like cryptolocker that are the reason for a Norton subscription or a well funded competitor(PAID subscription). You need the quick response of a team of software engineers; as sometimes every minute can count. $90 dollars is nothing compared to the mental pain & financial cost of crypto.httpI can't count the number of companies I've seen that were using Norton and got hit with the crypto-locker virus. I've seen grown men cry after realizing their company was going to be shut down while got rid of the virus and rolled back everything to before the virus struck. Education is better than any crappy antivirus.
Sorry as an IT Professional and having tried and tested all brands of 'Security Solutions' and testing them each year, we are currently using Kaspersky IS having used McAfee (Mcrapee) previously, which let us down drastically on the Malware front. For home use: #1 BitDefender TS, #2 Norton 360 and #3 Kaspersky Pure should be your only considerations. Try reading more that one article before making a decision and those that say anything bad about Norton's recent products clearly don't know what they are taking about. Anyone calling themselves an 'IT Professional' and then claiming that 'Norton is a bad product' because they used it some years ago is talking nonsense and is clearly not an IT Professional. Personally for home use I use Norton 360 (which is not Norton Anti-Virus, but the full software suite) and I've never had any problems at all and I browse a lot of let's say 'sites where if you're not protected adequately then you're certainly going to end up with a lot of nasties on your computer'!!! Oh year I work for a government organisation and my Professional Qualifications include: CompTIA (A+, Network+ and Security+), CCNA, CCNP and MSCE - so I can certainly say I'm an 'IT Professional' unlike some of those making previous comments, unless you can call yourself an 'IT Professional' these days for having some self learnt knowledge/experience. Final words - just because I've listed the above three products at this moment in time, doesn't mean that in 12 months that this will be the same. Things constantly change on the security front and security software packages can live or die on their next release so when you're about to renew always read as many reviews as you can before making the decision on whether to renew your existing product or change to another. That being said the about 3 listed products have been in the top 5 for the last 3+ years - so that's a good sign. 🙂
Sorry as an IT Professional and having tried and tested all brands of 'Security Solutions' and testing them each year, we are currently using Kaspersky IS having used McAfee (Mcrapee) previously, which let us down drastically on the Malware front. For home use: #1 BitDefender TS, #2 Norton 360 and #3 Kaspersky Pure should be your only considerations. Try reading more that one article before making a decision and those that say anything bad about Norton's recent products clearly don't know what they are taking about. Anyone calling themselves an 'IT Professional' and then claiming that 'Norton is a bad product' because they used it some years ago is talking nonsense and is clearly not an IT Professional. Personally for home use I use Norton 360 (which is not Norton Anti-Virus, but the full software suite) and I've never had any problems at all and I browse a lot of let's say 'sites where if you're not protected adequately then you're certainly going to end up with a lot of nasties on your computer'!!! Oh year I work for a government organisation and my Professional Qualifications include: CompTIA (A+, Network+ and Security+), CCNA, CCNP and MSCE - so I can certainly say I'm an 'IT Professional' unlike some of those making previous comments, unless you can call yourself an 'IT Professional' these days for having some self learnt knowledge/experience. Final words - just because I've listed the above three products at this moment in time, doesn't mean that in 12 months that this will be the same. Things constantly change on the security front and security software packages can live or die on their next release so when you're about to renew always read as many reviews as you can before making the decision on whether to renew your existing product or change to another. That being said the about 3 listed products have been in the top 5 for the last 3+ years - so that's a good sign. 🙂
I am a IT professional and I have tried the latest versions of Norton and McAfee, It is the computers performance that has improved over the years not the performance of these programs. Although as an anti virus program they are effective, they are to intrusive and prone to false positives. Under no circumstances would I recommend these programs.Sorry as an IT Professional and having tried and tested all brands of 'Security Solutions' and testing them each year, we are currently using Kaspersky IS having used McAfee (Mcrapee) previously, which let us down drastically on the Malware front. For home use: #1 BitDefender TS, #2 Norton 360 and #3 Kaspersky Pure should be your only considerations. Try reading more that one article before making a decision and those that say anything bad about Norton's recent products clearly don't know what they are taking about. Anyone calling themselves an 'IT Professional' and then claiming that 'Norton is a bad product' because they used it some years ago is talking nonsense and is clearly not an IT Professional. Personally for home use I use Norton 360 (which is not Norton Anti-Virus, but the full software suite) and I've never had any problems at all and I browse a lot of let's say 'sites where if you're not protected adequately then you're certainly going to end up with a lot of nasties on your computer'!!! Oh year I work for a government organisation and my Professional Qualifications include: CompTIA (A+, Network+ and Security+), CCNA, CCNP and MSCE - so I can certainly say I'm an 'IT Professional' unlike some of those making previous comments, unless you can call yourself an 'IT Professional' these days for having some self learnt knowledge/experience. Final words - just because I've listed the above three products at this moment in time, doesn't mean that in 12 months that this will be the same. Things constantly change on the security front and security software packages can live or die on their next release so when you're about to renew always read as many reviews as you can before making the decision on whether to renew your existing product or change to another. That being said the about 3 listed products have been in the top 5 for the last 3+ years - so that's a good sign. 🙂
I am a IT professional and I have tried the latest versions of Norton and McAfee, It is the computers performance that has improved over the years not the performance of these programs. Although as an anti virus program they are effective, they are to intrusive and prone to false positives. Under no circumstances would I recommend these programs.I think the target market for these programs is a naive computer user who knows no better and needs maximum protection and hand holdingSorry as an IT Professional and having tried and tested all brands of 'Security Solutions' and testing them each year, we are currently using Kaspersky IS having used McAfee (Mcrapee) previously, which let us down drastically on the Malware front. For home use: #1 BitDefender TS, #2 Norton 360 and #3 Kaspersky Pure should be your only considerations. Try reading more that one article before making a decision and those that say anything bad about Norton's recent products clearly don't know what they are taking about. Anyone calling themselves an 'IT Professional' and then claiming that 'Norton is a bad product' because they used it some years ago is talking nonsense and is clearly not an IT Professional. Personally for home use I use Norton 360 (which is not Norton Anti-Virus, but the full software suite) and I've never had any problems at all and I browse a lot of let's say 'sites where if you're not protected adequately then you're certainly going to end up with a lot of nasties on your computer'!!! Oh year I work for a government organisation and my Professional Qualifications include: CompTIA (A+, Network+ and Security+), CCNA, CCNP and MSCE - so I can certainly say I'm an 'IT Professional' unlike some of those making previous comments, unless you can call yourself an 'IT Professional' these days for having some self learnt knowledge/experience. Final words - just because I've listed the above three products at this moment in time, doesn't mean that in 12 months that this will be the same. Things constantly change on the security front and security software packages can live or die on their next release so when you're about to renew always read as many reviews as you can before making the decision on whether to renew your existing product or change to another. That being said the about 3 listed products have been in the top 5 for the last 3+ years - so that's a good sign. 🙂