Bill Proposes Phones Must Take Noisy Pictures

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The first thing most people do when they get a brand new digital camera is turn off the stupid sounds it makes when it takes pics. If you've ever been to a wedding, it sounds absolutely awful when peoples' cameras are sending off chimes and fake shutter sounds left and right during a quiet ceremony. Mobile-phone cameras are supposed to be transitioning towards being more like a dedicated point-and-shoot. This would just make them annoying.
Won't work. Predators and wizkids will either disable it or replace the sound with a silent sound file. Then the legitimate users (read: huge majority) will be pissed off.
Ah yes. Sure to piss off and aggravate all of the average consumers and have little to no effect on the target user, the perverts.
[citation][nom]bounty[/nom]I prefer the phone that lets out a pungent smell each time you take a picture.[/citation]

Is that a real product? Where can I buy it? :)
I'd like to know how the bill would require manufacturers to make it impossible for a user to put a small piece of tape over the speaker to silence the sound (or their thumb)? Maybe all camera users will be required to remove their thumbs!
So, just taking the speaker out of the phone isn't a way to bypass this. I can't believe lawmakers get paid to come up with this crap.
"So, just taking the speaker out of the phone isn't a way to bypass this. I can't believe lawmakers get paid to come up with this crap."

The real problem to is that with this law in place people will feel more comfortable because they know that weirdo's phone isn't makeing camera sounds. When in actuality its been modified(to be silent) and said weirdo is taking all kinds of pictures. Once again government regulation fails and only makes things worse.
[citation][nom]zibby[/nom]Democrats in da house. Buy more ammo before each bullet will be required to have microchip !!!!!!!!!![/citation]
Introduced in the Congress by New York Republican Rep. Peter King

Did you even read the story before spewing partisan BS?
"Democrats in da house. Buy more ammo before each bullet will be required to have microchip !!!!!!!!!!"

Bill was introduced by a Republican...
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