Black screen on a dell studio laptop


Feb 11, 2013
I have a dell studio 1536. when I start the computer I can hear it booting up, the lights run across the top above the keyboard, but the screen stays black. i can try to start it repeatedly and sometimes it will finally come on. I changed the settings so it never went into hibernate or sleep mode and can leave it on for weeks without any problem. this only happens if it goes to a full shutdown. Any suggestions?

Is this a fix for this specific dell or other laptops as well? Also, what is your thoughts on it being a GPU malfunction?

Hi :)

If it can run for weeks there is nothing wrong with your graphics chip...

And yes it applies to all laptops, but you didn't answer about the time ?

All the best Brett :)

I'm not the op Brett, just have similar issues.
Actually, it is the exact same issue as the op. After weeks of research, I came to the conclusion (wrong or right) it was faulty GPU soldering. The laptop would not start, but if I warmed it up just a bit first (with a hair dryer), it would start no problem and stay on until I turned it off. Once it cooled down, it would not turn back on (unless I got the hair dryer out). I know this is not recommended (and you shouldn't try this at home kinda thing), but people bring (give) me their old stuff all the time, so I test different things. Anyway, I never noticed the time on it, I never checked it...Never even thought of it. I gave the laptop away for parts, but as I get stuff all the time, I will be checking the battery/system date time. I have seen the date time cause other issues, just not this one. Thanks!

Hi :)

The one you gave away for parts probably DID need what we call a "graphics refloat"

My guys use what looks like a big square hairdryer to refloat the solder around the graphics chip so it settles back in... we also do something that the lappy manufacturers don't bother to do... we use a high temp bonding adhesive afterwards to try and delay it happening again... its NEVER a perfect repair though 🙁

But the graphics chip wouldn't last WEEKS like the OP said if it wanted a generally speaking the HOTTER the chip gets the worse the graphics get...

All the best Brett :)