Broke my laptop fan 4 pin connector


Jul 21, 2013
I opened my laptop for cleaning, and in the process I managed to break my laptop fan 4 pin connector. Please see image.

I stripped off the connector and now I'm left with blue,black,red and yellow wires. I tried connecting the wires to the motherboard manually in different configurations, but the fan will not spin. Is there anything I can do to fix my laptop fan.

Laptop fan Image:

Laptop Model: Asus A53S


The only one way is to solder a new fan connector to the main-board. Not a big problem for an experienced specialist. But, this is only if the connector on main-board is cracked or damaged. If not you just have disconnected the fan plug from the connector on mb, so it needs to be reconnected in the right direction. The plug fits only one way. Do not try to push it to hard as it is delicate piece of hardware. It should fit and lock easily.

If your laptop is on warranty just claim warranty repair, maybe you will be lucky and service people will accept.

Anyway, if the connector is cracked it needs to be replaced and soldered. You could try to solder each color lead to the main-board, but it will be permanent solution. So, what if...

The only one way is to solder a new fan connector to the main-board. Not a big problem for an experienced specialist. But, this is only if the connector on main-board is cracked or damaged. If not you just have disconnected the fan plug from the connector on mb, so it needs to be reconnected in the right direction. The plug fits only one way. Do not try to push it to hard as it is delicate piece of hardware. It should fit and lock easily.

If your laptop is on warranty just claim warranty repair, maybe you will be lucky and service people will accept.

Anyway, if the connector is cracked it needs to be replaced and soldered. You could try to solder each color lead to the main-board, but it will be permanent solution. So, what if you need to clean again or replace the fan. However, I do not recommend that.

The 4 pins on the motherboard are not bent or damaged. I've tried just connecting the wires without soldering but the fan is not working. Will a new fan fix this?

From the picture you provided the fan seems to be just disconnected. But, if you say even it is plugged back to the mainboard and still doesn't work, it seems to be a problem with the connector on mainboard. Have you plugged it correctly? I mean this should fit only one way, if you connect it somehow opposit way it won't work.