I have a Dell 9300 Laptop and despite the fact that both Processor and Video cooling fans function (the Video fan rarely functions; it does so when watching videos only) the laptop seems to be running very hot. I have installed PC Wizard to monitor the CPU temperature but the temperature appears to be normal as well. The laptop case seems to get very hot, about 41-42 °C. We are now of course in the summer season and the ambient tmeperatures are higher. I am not sure that when the laptop was new it ran as hot as it does now. so far I have dismantled the computer more times than I care to remember cleaning the heat sinks (they were not that dirty either!) re-applying heat grease to the processor and video chips, checking the fans and finally changing the motherboard. The only thig that is left is the PROCESSOR!! Any ideas?? Hay anyone else with a similar laptop experienced similar problems?? Appreciate your input, Simon