can i overclock my laptop cpu and/or gpu?


Apr 23, 2016
The title says it all, is it safe to overclock my laptop cpu/gup safely? If yes how much?
My laptop is the acer predator 15, with the model being G9-592-71EF
Here's the specs:
Operating System Windows 10 Home
Processor Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ processor 2.60 GHz
Graphics Nvidia® GeForce® GTX 980M with 8 GB Dedicated Memory
Memory 16 GB, DDR4 SDRAM (Was set to 540mhz by default (according to nvidia control panel) (lowest)) (memory clock set to 2505mhz)
It has 3 fans:
Cpu fan
System fan
and custom coolermaster frostcore fan which all ranges from 3800 to 4000 rpm

might be that the memory shows up sometimes as half the speed depending on the program. DDR means Double Data Rate, so data is used on an up and down cycle. This will result in double the speed you are seeing because the effective speed is double the actually speed of the memory. So if the memory runs 2505 it is doing twice the work per clock which mean on GPUz you will probably see 1252 or something along those lines...
Can you? Probably.
Should you? I wouldn't say so.

Laptops have limited cooling ability, and are usually shipped with cooling just barely sufficient for stock base/boost clock speeds (hence so many laptops throttle under load).

Overclocking requires additional voltages, and results in increased heat output - which has to be handled by the existing cooling solution in the laptop.
While the frostcore fan (that's the one in the optical drive bay, correct?) likely helps keep it cooler than expected, it's highly unlikely to have much additional headroom to sufficient cool an OC'd GPU/CPU>


Apr 23, 2016

The thing is, the GPU is set LOWER than the base clock speed, in fact, the lowest possible, at 540mhz, when the base clock is over 1000



Apr 23, 2016

I just checked up Gpu-z, and realized clock speed wasn't set to lowest, but for some reason nvidia control panel says it is, but memory clock however is set to half the speed on the nvidia website, I have no trouble having low memory clock speed right now though



Jan 2, 2017

might be that the memory shows up sometimes as half the speed depending on the program. DDR means Double Data Rate, so data is used on an up and down cycle. This will result in double the speed you are seeing because the effective speed is double the actually speed of the memory. So if the memory runs 2505 it is doing twice the work per clock which mean on GPUz you will probably see 1252 or something along those lines. Your RAM does the same thing.

Not sure if that is what you are asking but...