i have an older Coby Mp3 player{@ the time was 1 of the very 1st ’high tech inventions‛ & it was Just crazy exciting to own this new type of portable music device. lol No More ‛Walk mans’ & those CrazyAss Casette tapes!! LMAO ~
Anywho Does any1 know How to transfer ★New music/songs from my Android phone to my portable Coby Mp3 player?? it was Soo much easier wayy back when -lol- when i was on my desktop & had a specific program to do it for me.
Any ideas tips solutions how-to's etc etc on How To Do this Would be Greatly Appreciated!! Thanks All!
Anywho Does any1 know How to transfer ★New music/songs from my Android phone to my portable Coby Mp3 player?? it was Soo much easier wayy back when -lol- when i was on my desktop & had a specific program to do it for me.
Any ideas tips solutions how-to's etc etc on How To Do this Would be Greatly Appreciated!! Thanks All!